So today’s post is a DIY on how to make your own make up
storage to fit in your drawer. I looked and looked for cheap and simple make up
storage but I didn't find anything to my taste, so I decided to make my own! My
DIY is so simple and basically separates your drawer to organise your makeup in
a way that will be unique to your make up collection.
All you will need is:
- Cardboard
- Sellotape or duck tape
- Scissors
- Pencil/pen
- Ikea ‘Skubb’ drawer inserts, or your own pre-made ones. Avalible here: http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/categories/series/12555/

First put in your drawer inserts
to how you would like them.
Take one compartment, to start
with. Measure the width and length of the box and cut lengths of card- these
will become very handy! These can be any height that you want them to be.
With one of your lengths/ widths,
take the first product you want to store. In the image, I choose a lipstick to
begin with. I marked onto the card where I needed the other piece to be. Then I
cut a piece of card that is the width of the lipstick.
To stick these pieces together, I
put L shape of sellotape on either side of the card. Then I repeat the process of adding pieces of
card that are the widths of the products. In my example, I had a line of
lipsticks, so the widths were the same.
Now you have to keep adding pieces
of card, and fixing them with the sellotape, until you have filled the space
that is equivalent of the width/ length of the drawer insert.
Carefully push in the card layout
into the drawer insert, and then fill it with the perfectly fitting make up.
I’m sorry because I seem to have made a really easy DIY seem
really complicated, but this is where I was inspired, a video on LaurDIYs
channel- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeXYsZDZwBY
I hope you like my idea, please let me know if you want to
try this DIY or if you have any other ideas,
Thank you,