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Thursday, 24 December 2015

Five Favourite Things About Christmas | Day 12: 12 Days Of Blogmas

Hey everyone. Somehow, miraculously, it is Christmas Eve and I can’t quite believe it. The festive season is drawing to a close and it’s nearly the big day. That warm Christmassy feeling is holding my heart and I can’t quite well. But, for now, I thought I would share with you my five favourite parts of Christmas- because it’s Christmas Eve and a Christmas blog post is essential I think.

1.       The run up. Yes I am one of those people that appreciate the run up equally if not more than the actual day. Sadly, I feel this year (due to mock exams and getting a part-time job) I haven’t had the same amount of time as normal to take advantage of the run up, but it’s still been so special. I love wintery walks, Christmassy costas, stressful Christmas shopping trips and the constant listening to my Spotify Christmas playlist. It simply is the most wonderful time of the year. People are happier, we look up and smile at each other more I feel, and it makes us all forget the worries of life a bit more.

2.       Giving. The feeling of giving to someone else is such a lovely one. Whether it’s to a charity, a family member, a friend or a complete stranger, the feeling of giving is one that pays you back for the good deed you are doing. I love giving presents to all my family. My friends and family are so important to me and although I tell them this, it is hard to show them sometimes. However, I feel, buying a really thoughtful gift to say thanks at this festive time of year lets me show them my love. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to buy gifts all year round, but saving up my money for a Christmas gift for everyone makes it even more exciting.

3.       The food. I can’t just focus on the lovey-dovey positives of Christmas, because one biggy is the food. I love Christmas food- the big roast, the yummy chocolate treats, the mince pies and the warm hot chocolates (I know it’s a drink but it comes under the edible category). Although it doesn’t do much for my body, I feel that is what January is for. For now, go grab a slice of Christmas cake or a few chocolate orange segments, go on- it’s Christmas.

4.       The sense of togetherness. It’s a little hard to explain, but simply the fact that most of us celebrate Christmas makes it so special. It is like the whole world that celebrate Christmas, are having a huge party- all on the same day, with the same traditions. We are all getting excited for the day, we are all stressing over the roast, and we are all eating dry turkey. I love it because, unlike birthdays, Christmas day is special for everyone. We are all, mostly, having a good time and I love that.

5.       My last favourite thing about Christmas is that warm fuzzy feeling you get- or at least I do! It comes for me sometime during the opening of the presents. I’m filled with a warm roast, surrounded by my family, with the soft merriment of a Mariah Carey classic (currently playing now) on in the background and I am suddenly washed over with this feeling of gratitude.  I know that I am extremely lucky. I am blessed with my health, food and water. In our everyday lives, it is so easy to forget this, and yet, I feel Christmas inspires me to say thank you and to remember all that I have. That warm feeling in my heart summarises why I love Christmas, it reminds you that you are so loved.

So there they are. All I can say is THANK YOU. If you have read any of my Christmas 12 Days Of Blogmas, then I hope you’ve liked them, it’s been fun for me to write and I hope they’ve maybe made you smile! I hope you all have the most brilliant Christmases and happy New Years. I’ll see you in January, love to you all,  
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  1. Merry Chriistmas :) I have loved your blogmas so much - I'm going to miss it! Katie xx

  2. Happy Holidays! I've only just come across your blog so I wasn't here for all blogmas but I'll go and have a read now :)
    Dalal x

  3. I love the way you write your posts and I hope you had a great Christmas x

  4. Happy New Year! I've only just discovered your blog, but I'll be reading it next year definitely xx

  5. Totally agree with this list! I missed the snow this year but hey, to new beginnings. Happy new year!

    Hannie Arden from Missing Wanderer.

  6. Giving is definitely one of the best feelings in the world, knowing that, just for a second, you've given someone something you've put thought into and that it might make their day is a feeling irreplaceable.

    I hope you have a lovely new year, Lydia!

    May | THE MAYDEN | Bloglovin'

    Moved to:

  7. The sense of togetherness at Christmas is one of the best feelings!
    Hope you've had a lovely Christmas. Happy New Year!

  8. Blogmas is such a great idea. Would love it if you could check out my 2016 hair trends tutorials!
    Kisses xo | From Aliona With Love 

  9. I love Christmas as well :) Hope you enjoyed the holidays!
    Happy new year!
    Love, Charlotte Luisa |
