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Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Malorie Blackman's Nought's & Crosses

Hi everyone. So it’s that time again for a book review- the glue of my blog. I love reading and these reviews are some of my favourite posts- so please click, have a read and let me know what you think. October’s book is Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Backman.

After the last few books I’ve read (check out the book review tab, if you’re interested), this one separated itself out. I’d heard a lot about this book, as its meant to be quite an award-wining novel and I did really love it.

The book is basically about an alternative world where the Crosses rule and the Noughts always fall second class. The Crosses are black and the noughts are white. Meanwhile, a love story falls and a nought and a Cross and split by society. As they grow up and find their own way, they become different people but events change them.

This novel is dramatic and full of action, whilst having a lovely romantic touch. I feel like it links a lot to the Civil Rights Movement and race issues we have today, which makes it a really interesting read.

This book is one of a trilogy and although I liked it, I will be giving it a bit of a break before reading the following books. This isn’t because I don’t want to, I just don’t feel the ending of the first one was 100% gripping and there are A LOT of books on my to-read list!

This book is no easy feat, and is rather long and deep, so it may not be for everyone. There were many parts that really made me think and reflect, but I found this interesting after having studied the Civil Right’s era only a few months ago and having an interest in rights and equality in general.

So, overall I thought this was great but may not be the favourite of everyone. I think I’d say this is best for around 15 year olds and up, but that’s just what I personally think and everyone’s different- so if you think it sounds good- find a bookshop and give it a go!

And that’s it! I do love reading so if you do too then I’d love to chat about it in the comments, or if you have any requests/ recommendations- I’d love to know! Thanks for reading, I’ll be back (fingers crossed) on Friday, much love,  
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