We have a choice whenever we make
a change or decision in our lives: we can take the quickest way or the scenic
route. In the end, we’ll always get to same destination but the journeys will
be different. For some people, achieving goals as quickly as possible is the main
intention of their lives. However when you wander through life, you stumble
across the little surprises in the everyday. You get to experience things along
the way that you’d never expected.
Not all who wander are lost.
Aimlessly looking may seem a little daft but you can achieve so much more then
strictly following a one way system.
Life always changes. You may go
down one route in life, whether it’s a friendship, a job or anything else, and realise
somethings not right. You may not fit into place somewhere and that’s okay. It’s
just another step on your journey. You can change what happens next, you have
the power to decide what becomes of you in your situation. And sometimes making
a wrong decision and seemingly getting ‘lost’ is the best thing for you.
And maybe the next time you see
someone who seems ‘lost’, maybe you can help them along their journey. And
maybe the next time you’re not sure what to do next, then you’ll remember that
its okay to take your time and wander through. Because you’ll get there
eventually. It’s a simple yet beautiful phrase that not all who wander are
Thanks for reading this. I hope
things didn’t get too deep but I enjoy sometimes sharing a different side of me
with you wonderful people! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this and I hope you
have a super week- along its back to school for me! Much love,