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Saturday, 13 December 2014

5 Tips for Getting Into That Festive Mood | Blogmas Day 13

Today I just wanted to put up a quick post because I’m off to London tomorrow, I’m sure I’ll put up some photos after too.  I’m really excited because it promises to be a really festive day!
I know that I have been writing a lot of Christmas-sy posts lately but it is literally the best time of the year for me. If you aren't interested, or don’t celebrate this time, then stay tuned for more updates this week.

My top tips for becoming festive…

1.       Get into the mood at any time you can. For me this is putting on a lot of Christmas music until I know every word of every song, watching Christmas movies and going out shopping for presents for friends and family. I also have been loving to wear my Christmas jumper because every time I see it, it puts me in that festive mood.

2.       Decorating. Be it the house or just your room, decorating for Christmas really adds a festive touch. More infomation about my room decorating is available on this post. 

3.       Advent Calendar. I don’t think you can ever get too old for an advent calendar and knowing that for every day of December before Christmas there is the treat of a bite-size chocolate, is so exciting. I am actually super lucky because I have two- because my Nan loves me lots and lots- a Thornton’s one and a Malteaser one.

4.       Wrapping presents and writing cards. Giving at Christmas is priceless and spending time over presents or cards for others makes me feel so full of Christmas joy.  I think when you put effort into a gift it is so rewarding because you can put all your love and appreciation into something that they will surely love!

5.       Lastly I would say enjoy the season. Its cold outside and everyone around is starting to become festive too, so look around and appreciate all the magic that this time brings. It’s only once a year after all so don’t let those days fly by before it’s too late. Sit down, have a festive drink and spend time with those you love.

I just wanted to let you all know that I’ve posted a new board on my Pinterest showing some of my favourite Christmas fashions, including makeup, outfits and hair. If any of you use Pinterest then pop the links down below and I’m sure to check you out.

I have also put down my other links, like always, so if you want to check them out that would be incredible. I hope you are all having a lovely week,

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