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Sunday, 15 June 2014

DIY: Floral Crown | #summerstyle

Hey everyone,

So this I have decided that as my first summer blog post, this post will be the beginning of a series called ‘#summerstyle’. In the next few weeks/ months, I will be including some summery themed beauty/ fashion/ random posts. I hope you will all enjoy this series, feel free to leave ideas, requests, comments and any of your summer posts.

This post is a DIY for you all; I hope you enjoy it as I put a lot of effort into making it. I wanted to make a DIY project that would be quick, cheap and yet a currently trending fashion item, so I chose to create my own floral crown.
Floral crowns have become especially popular in the last year, and now that festive session has begun- they are everywhere. I personally love any type of floral accessories, but the floral crown/ headband is one of my favourites. I think they are great as they can complete an outfit, create a unique hair style and add a pop of girly colour into an everyday look. The best thing about them are that they are fab for summer, both at home or on holiday, because they’re so easy to wear and so bright and fun.

So lets start, yeah?

Equipment for this DIY:
  • 99p/ £1 shop fake flowers
  • Cheap basic hair band elastic, you can either buy a plain one or you can buy one with a flower/bow attachment and take it off. Check your hair accessories as I already owned one, so I’d advice checking.
  • Needle and thread
  • Pins (optional)

As you can see, there aren’t many expensive parts to the equipment list, as I wanted to keep this DIY as cheap as possible.


  1. Prepare you flowers. I had to take mine off of a stem, but I could just pull them off. You may also need to trim the bottom of the flower, as the stems can make it hard to sew.
  2. Take the hair band and stitch on the first flower, you can position this anyway you like- I chose to alternate between the flowers facing out or up. Changing this will create the desired effect you may want. Start in the middle of the band and work out.
  3. Continue stitching flowers on, remembering to put them close together so that no gaps are left. Feel free to overlap and know that you must add many stitches to the flower- until it is well fixed.
  4. When the flowers are stitched on and you have an even amount of flowers on both sides, you can decide if you are done.


There are so many ways to style floral crowns, you can fin these looks from celebrities, beauty/ fashion bloggers and in the everyday person. Below are some examples of possible looks I tried. I pinned my fringe back and left my hair down, curly. I wore my hair in a scruffy loose pony tail, and add the floral band to make the look more interesting. And I also wore my hair is a curly up-do bun, this look is a little more suited to a night out or a less casual look- but the floral crown keeps it fun.

So that’s it, see how simple but effective this DIY is! If you are going to make one, leave a comment down below,
Have a lovely summery day,

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