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Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Please Read | Goodbye: Quiting this blog but starting a new one?!?

About a month ago, I decided that I didn't like where my blog was going. As a blogger, it happens a lot that you may feel uninspired about content, but normally these spells go away. Incredibly, I've been writing this blog since 2014, and this has it's pros and cons. Although I can see how I've grown in the past few years, I also have to carry old content- that simply isn't me anymore- with me. It's time for a change.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

How To Make Easy Easter Mini Egg Brownies

Hi everyone. So this post is actually pre-written. I made these brownies back in February, as mini eggs had just got into the shops and I had to get myself one, and I created this recipe. However, as I give up chocolate for lent, I decided to write up this post early and put it up at a more appropriate time. Without further a-do, this is how you make mini eggs brownies (PS you may be hungry after reading this!!).

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Mac Makeover And Haul

Hey everyone. So today I wanted to chat about something I got up to last week, a Mac makeover. I also picked up my first ever Mac products, so thought I’d do a tiny haul for you.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

The February Edition: My Wardrobe

Hello everyone. So today I decided to do something a little bit different and new. Last month, if you didn’t catch it, I wrote a series of wardrobe posts about my clear out and new wants. Now, it’s been a while and I’ve picked up a few new things, so I thought I’d tell you about the new outfits I’ve been wearing this month.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

My Travel Diary: Seeing Les Mis In London and Meeting Carrie!

Hey everyone. So last Saturday was one of the best days ever, a great adventure and an inspiring experience. I also travelled down to London and thought I’d share my day with you. Last week, I went to see Carrie Hope Fletcher in Les Miserable at the Queens Theatre London.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Scrapbooking - My Tips And Tricks

Hey everyone. So part of my 2016 goals was to write more blog posts about the things that inspire me that I really want to write about. So today, I thought I’d chat to you about one of my greatest loves: scrapbooking. Scrapbooking is no longer a thing for the moms of America and it isn’t a thing just for crafters. I love it and here I will show you how my 2015 scrapbook went, what I learnt and my plan for this year.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

The Best Lush Bath Ever - Intergalactic Review

Getting back into things then. January was an okay month for me but I feel my blog suffered. I talked about this more in my recent JanuaryUpdate post, so today I’ll just jump right in into a good-old LUSH review.

Sunday, 31 January 2016

The January Update.

Hey everyone. So somehow we have landed at the end of January and I can’t quite believe it. I’m not normally one for whizz-past months but this January has! I think with my pre-GCSE time running slowly out and hectic weekends filled with work, a lot of my time may feel like this so I thought I’d update you on my January- what I’ve been up to, loving and looking forward to!

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Five Favourites From My Wardrobe | The Wardrobe Cleanse

Hey everyone. Often on this blog, I chat to you about my newly loved outfits and items I’ve picked up recently, but it is often those wardrobe basics that are most key to a person’s style. I am also quite nosey, so think I would enjoy finding out where a certain person’s jeans are from and what their favourite dress is! So today, I thought, as a part 3 to my wardrobe cleanse series that’s been going on this January, I would tell you about my five wardrobe favourites.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Wishlist | The Wardrobe Cleanse

Hey everyone. So today bring part two of ‘my wardrobe cleanse’ series this January, my post-clear out wishlist. After getting rid of all the old clothes and realising what I actually had in my collection, I decided to create a wishlist. This isn’t like my normal seasonal ones, this is just a set of items of what I think I really need- so it is mostly the basics I feel I am lacking.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

The Wardrobe Cleanse

Hey everyone. So it's new year. Twenty Sixteen. Along with the pledge we give to eat healthier and go to the gym everyday (not something I think I'll ever do), the new year also gives us the chance to get organised for the months ahead. For me, I took this as a chance to clear all my Christmas decorations and clean up my bedroom. Furthermore, I decided it was time to take on my over-filled wardrobe and give it the cleanse it clearly needed. This trio of posts sees how I did it and my next steps.

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Two Thousand And Sixteen Resolutions

Two thousand and sixteen. Somehow, we have all jumped into this new year and, although I can't fathom that 2015 is over, I am excited to start it. I enjoy the spirit of new years, the fact we all give ourselves a new start, a fresh do-over and a chance to become someone we want to become.