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Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Spring Tag 2015

So I wanted to do a little tag post for you all but when I was looking around for a seasonal post- I couldn’t find them. There were a few spring-y tags but the questions were a bit dull- so I decided that I’d make my own and hopefully some of you will do it too!

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Rediscovery- Eyelash Curlers

When giving my makeup collection a bit of a look over recently, I stumbled across my eyelash curlers that appeared a little unloved and unused. I went through a stage of absolutely loving the thing, but then when new mascaras and products arrived, these curlers were pushed further and further back into the drawer.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Life Update: Spring, Revision + Easter Eggs


Spring is finally here and as I haven’t really done a chatty post in a while, I decided that I’d do a little ‘Life Update’ post. I like writing these and I also like reading similar posts, so I hope you’ll enjoy it!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

My Drugstore Makeup Bag


So today I decided to do another makeup themed post. In the past I’ve done a travel makeup bag and makeup bag starter kit, but I am yet to do a drugstore favourites makeup bag. I don’t have many high-end items, but some of my makeup isn’t as easily available as it isn’t sold at the drugstore. Therefore, today’s post will have be a collection of my top products that are available from Boots or Superdrug. 

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Book Review: The Glam Guide by Fleur de Force

I’m sure many of you wonderful people are Youtube fans like me and will have realised the recent influx in content creators writing and producing books. Now, it’s a hotly debated and controversial topic, and I can definitely say that some of these books are a lot better than others, but when British beauty and fashion blogger Fleur de Force released ‘The Glam Guide’, I had to get my hands on it!

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Holiday Lookbook | Spring Summer 2015

Today’s post is going to be a spring/ summer lookbook from my holiday to the Dominican Republic. It was a beach holiday and was sunny all week so this is probably going to be summer themed. Here I have created just a few looks from my 10 day holiday, some day, some nights.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

My Travel Diary: Dominican Republic

So it’s time for a new instalment of ‘my travel diary’. So for the end of March to the start of April, I went with my family to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. This island is in the Caribbean and we went away to have a relaxing beach holiday!